Your Resident Grunge Girl
The clothes we wear and the way in which we wear them has a big impact on the way we feel, our experiences, and the way we interact with others. Our clothes have the ability to empower us or to make us feel insecure. I’m all about wearing clothes that make me feel empowered, beautiful, confident, and most of all—me! I enjoy creating looks that inspire, and my hope is that you came here because something I put together resonated with you, too.
I often hear people say things like “you look great in that, but I could never pull that off!” People are often scared to wear certain things because they’re scared of what others may think. My goal is to encourage you to break that cycle, and wear something because you love it. Because life’s too short to go out in clothes that don’t make you feel good!
When I think about grunge, I think about a look that’s a bit edgy or bold. I think grunge embodies a rebellious spirit, and so my looks reflect this. They might not always be stereotypically “grunge”—but what is fashion if we don’t push the boundaries of what came before? Grunge is fun and edgy and different—as unique as each individual who wears it.